Mon 3/8
- “ ʻĀhaʻi ʻŌlelo Ola: Building Hawaiian Language Capacity”
- Leonard, WY. “Indigenous Languages Through a Reclamation Lens” Anthropology News website, September 19, 2019.
- Optional: Davis, JL. 2017. “Resisting Rhetorics of Language Endangerment: Reclamation Through Indigenous Language Survivance.” In Language Documentation and Description, vol. 14, pp. 37-58. London: EL Publishing.
Wed 3/10
- Perley, B. 2012. “Zombie Linguistics: Experts, Endangered Languages, and the Curse of Undead Voices” Anthropological Forum: A Journal of Social Anthropology and Comparative Sociology 22(2): 133-149.
Mon 3/15
- Not to Lose You My Language: Bilingual Education in the Northern Territory (G. Reading, 1975)
- Karihwanoron: Precious Things (R.Whitebean, 2017)
- Going the Bilingual Way (V. Sahasrabuddhe, 2018)
Wed 3/17
- Niugaa Yugaa / Keep Talking (KL Weinberg, 2018): https://anth3360.commons.gc.cuny.edu/niugaa-yugaa-keep-talking-2020/
- Brown, KD and Faster, M. 2019. “Language Nests on the Move: The Case of Võro Pre-Primary Education in Estonia” FIRE: Forum for International Research in Education 5(3):29-48.
- Optional: Borgia, M and S Dowdy. 2010. “Building an Intergenerational, Home-Based Language Nest” Santa Barbara Papers in Linguistics, Vol. 21: 115-127.